Fluoraldehyde™ o-Phthaldialdehyde Reagent Solution (OPA) (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Fluoraldehyde OPA Reagent is a ready-to-use solution of o-phthalaldehyde, a fluorescent derivatization reagent for peptide or amino acid detection and quantitation in HPLC.

Features of Fluoraldehyde Reagent Solution:

• For pre- or post-column amino acid derivatization for fluorescent detection and quantitation
• Reacts with all primary amine-containing analytes to yield fluorescent isoindole derivatives
• Provides an accurate measure of both composition and absolute protein-peptide content
• Ideal for work with recombinant proteins and synthetic peptides
• Can be used for fluorescent protein or peptide assay
• Pre-column derivatization mixtures can be injected into LC without any processing

Fluoraldehyde Reagent Solution contains OPA (o-phthalaldehyde), which reacts with primary amines of amino acids, peptide and proteins to enable fluorescent detection and quantitation. The reagent that can be used as a protein or peptide assay reagent or as a pre- or post-column detection reagent for amino acid analysis (HPLC). Reaction of OPA with proteins and peptides yields linear results over a wide range of concentrations. The Fluoraldehyde Reagent Solution is supplied ready to use and enables fast quantitation of proteins or peptides in solution.

Reagent Properties:
• Formulation: 0.8 mg/mL o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) in proprietary buffer, pH 10
• Form: Clear, colorless to slightly yellow liquid
• Reactive toward: Primary amines (—NH2)
• Detection: Fluorescence (excitation/emission = 340 nm/455 nm)
• Application: Pre- or post-column derivatization for detection by HPLC

Order Codes

Code Description
26025 Catalog Number: 26025
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