FluoReporter™ Biotin Quantitation Assay Kit, for biotinylated proteins (Invitrogen™)

The FluoReporter™ Biotin Quantitation Assay Kit provides a sensitive fluorometric assay for determining the number of biotin labels on nucleic acid samples (i.e., cDNA). The assay uses Biotective™ Green reagent, which contains a fluorescent dye that is quenched by ligands occupying the biotin binding sites. In the presence of biotin, the quencher dye ligands are displaced and fluorescence occurs. The fluorescence is proportional to the amount of added biotin. The results can be read with any fluorescence-based microplate reader capable of detecting FITC dye.

Important Features of FluoReporter™ Biotin Quantitation Assay Kits:
• Can detect from 4 to 80 picomoles of biotin in a sample (50-fold higher sensitivity than HABA biotin-binding assay)
• Can be applied to as little as 13 ng of biotin-labeled nucleic acid (more is needed for lower degrees of labeling)
• Excitation/emission maxima of the reagent is 495/519 nm
• Supplied with a biotinylated positive control for standard curve

For Research Use Only. Not intended for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.

Order Codes

Code Description
F30751 Catalog Number: F30751
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