Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent effectively retrieves recombinant proteins that form insoluble aggregates during bacterial overexpression.

Features of Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent :

• Achieves the essential first step for subsequent insoluble protein refolding procedures
• One easy- and ready-to-use solution; no preparation needed
• Compatible with Thermo Scientific Pierce Coomassie Plus Protein Assay Kit (Part No. 23236) to determine degree of expression
• Proprietary denaturant can be easily removed by dialysis so that SDS-PAGE can be performed
• Can accommodate additional components such as reducing agents or chelating agents

The Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent is a ready-to-use aqueous solution of denaturant that helps to dissolve aggregated proteins (inclusion bodies) that have been separated from the soluble fraction of bacterial cell lysates. The reagent is designed to retrieve expressed protein in soluble form after lysis and extraction with reagents such as Thermo Scientific B-PER Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent. Bacteria are widely used for recombinant protein expression. However, 70%-80% of proteins produced by recombinant techniques in E. coli form inclusion bodies (i.e., protein aggregates). Once these aggregates are formed, it is very difficult to solubilize them. A proprietary denaturant contained in this reagent provides the most effective means for solubilizing aggregated proteins. Additional components, such as a reducing agent and a chelating agent, may be added to the reagent, depending on the particular application.

Order Codes

Code Description
78115 Catalog Number: 78115
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