Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent (Invitrogen™)

Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent enables fast and efficient enrichment of intact, live viruses from dilute cell culture and virus transport media. The enrichment is gentle and fast and can be performed in less than three hours. By tying up water molecules, the reagent forces less-soluble components such as vesicles out of solution, allowing them to be collected by short, low-speed centrifugation.

Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent can enrich for a plethora of viruses such as, but not limited to, SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and Ebola-, Zika-, influenza A- viruses. The isolated intact virus can be used for functional studies.

Features of Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent include:
• Simple—3-step enrichment requiring only a centrifuge
• Fast—enrichment in <3 hours with minimal hands-on time
• Flexible volume—dilute virus samples can be enriched from large sample volumes
• Straight to PCR—no further nucleic acid extraction needed prior to PCR

Downstream applications
Enriched intact virus can be used for further virus growth or in any downstream functional assays, protein research (western blot), purification of RNA for PCR, etc. Virus isolated using the Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent requires no further nucleic acid extraction prior to doing PCR.

In addition, virus-like particles (VLPs), containing only virus-specific proteins and not nucleic acids, are extensively used in viral proteomic research. Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent isolates both live and inactivated intact viruses and VLPs.

Easy and efficient protocol
The Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent is simply added to the virus sample and incubate for two hours followed by a 30-minute centrifugation step. Remove the supernatant and keep the pellet with the enriched virus that is ready for any downstream analysis.

Automation ready with the KingFisher Purification System
For higher throughput automation needs, use the magnetic bead-based Dynabeads Intact Virus Enrichment strong anion exchange beads using any of our KingFisher Sample Purification Systems or liquid handlers.

Commercial supply
Our manufacturing sites are ISO 13485-certified. Bead characteristics and manufacturing conditions help ensure consistency and batch reproducibility making them an ideal choice for commercial supply. If you are in the process of customizing Intact Virus Precipitation Reagent in a commercial product or service or need a larger bulk volume of this product, please contact us at or read more on our Dynabeads OEM page.

Order Codes

Code Description
10720D Catalog Number: 10720D
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