MabCaptureC™ RoboColumn (Thermo Scientific™)

MabCaptureC RoboColumns™(1) are small chromatography columns used for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations on robotic liquid handling workstations.

The MabCaptureC Affinity Matrix inside this RoboColumn contains engineered rProtein A that binds at the CH2-CH3 interface of the Fc-region of IgGs and shows cross-binding to the VH3 domain of IgGs.

Features of MabCaptureC Affinity Matrix include:
• High dynamic binding capacity for mAbs
• Purification of mAbs and a subpopulation of scFv’s and Fab fragments containing VH3 binding domains
• Clean and sanitize with standard sodium hydroxide agents for chromatography products
• Excellent scalability
• Non-animal derived


Column size: 200 μL and 600 μL, 1 strip, 8 columns (8-row)
Column dimension: 200 μL: 5 mm diameter, 10 mm bed height; 600 μL: 5 mm diameter, 30 mm bed height
Matrix: agarose-based, epoxide activated
Average particle size: 75 ± 10 μm
Ligand: recombinant C domain of Protein A
Coupling method: epoxide coupling
Binding capacity: >55 g IgG/L resin at 10% breakthrough (depends on residence time)
Elution conditions: 0.1 M glycine pH 3.0, or 20–100 mM sodium citrate or acetate, pH 3.0
Cleaning conditions: 0.2 M sodium hydroxide for 15 minutes every cycle
Operating pressure: ≤ 3 bar
Formulation buffer: 20% (v/v) ethanol

(1) RoboColumn is a trademark of Repligen

Order Codes

Code Description
5943662200 Catalog Number: 5943662200
5943662600 Catalog Number: 5943662600
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