MagniSort™ Streptavidin Negative Selection Beads (Invitrogen™)

MagniSort™ Streptavidin Negative Selection Beads are designed for the magnetic separation of cells by negative selection. Undesired cells are bound by a cocktail of biotinylated antibodies and then streptavidin coated magnetic beads. When placed in a magnetic field, the undesired cells are held in place and the desired cells can be separated by decanting. The clone and concentration of biotinylated antibody to be used to label the undesired cells, as well as the concentration of MagniSort™ Streptavidin Negative Selection Beads must be determined empirically. Please refer to the protocol for details on how to optimize both the antibody or antibody cocktail and MagniSort™ Streptavidin Negative Selection Beads.

For depletion of cells using a single antibody, we recoomend the MagniSort™ Streptavidin Positive Selection Beads (cat. MSPB-6003) and protocol.

Reported Application
Magnetic Cell Separation

Order Codes

Code Description
MSNB-6002-71 Catalog Number: MSNB-6002-71
MSNB-6002-74 Catalog Number: MSNB-6002-74
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