MAX Efficiency™ Stbl2™ Competent Cells (Invitrogen™)

MAX Efficiency Stbl2 Competent Cells are high-efficiency chemically competent cells specifically designed for cloning unstable inserts. In addition to recA1, a unique set of genetic markers allow for stable cloning of direct repeat and retroviral sequences and tandem array genes. The Stbl2 strain was used for the stable propagation of a plasmid containing approximately 100 direct repeats of 32 bp as well as full-length infectious simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) clone can be maintained. This strain has also been demonstrated to stably propagate plant virus sequences such as potato virus Y (PVY).

MAX Efficiency Stbl2 Competent Cells are a derivative of the JM109/J5 strain. Competent cells are prepared by a patented modification of the procedure of Hanahan. The mcrA mutation and the mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr deletion allow for the cloning of methylated genomic sequences.

MAX Efficiency Stbl2 Competent Cells offer:
• >1 x 109 transformants/μg plasmid DNA for cloning rare sequences
• Elimination of mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr and mutation of mcrA that allows cloning of methylated genomic sequences
• A unique genotype that stabilizes direct repeats and retroviral sequences such as SIV and HIV
• Greatly increased plasmid yield and quality due to endA1 mutation
recA1 for reduced occurrence of nonspecific recombination in cloned DNA

F- mcrA Δ(mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr) recA1 endA1 lon gyrA96 thi supE44 relA1 λ- Δ(lac-proAB)

Note: For optimal performance, expression in S.O.C. Medium and incubation on antibiotic plates at 30°C is recommended.

Find the strain and format that fits your needs
A variety of Stbl strains are available with different genetic background or suitable for electroporation.
The Stbl3 strain is available in MultiShot format for high throughput applications.
Explore bacterial growth media formats.

Order Codes

Code Description
10268019 Catalog Number: 10268019
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