Melon™ Gel Monoclonal IgG Purification Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Melon Gel Monoclonal IgG Purification Kit is a high-yield, mild purification system for monoclonal antibodies from ascites or hybridoma cell culture supernatant, or for large scale antibody purification from serum.

Features of the Melon Gel Monoclonal IgG Purification Kit:

Fast—purify antibodies in half the time of required for Protein A or G
Efficient—recovery and purity is often better than Protein A or G purification
Robust—effective for subclasses of IgG that bind poorly to Protein A or G
Gentle—antibodies retain activity because they are not exposed to denaturing conditions
Regenerable—support can be regenerated and used for up to 6 purifications
Compatible—amine-free buffer does not require removal or neutralization
Flexible—accommodates a broad range of sample volumes and processing vessels; cell culture: spin columns can be used for purifications < 30 mL of supernatant; filter flasks can be used for bulk processing of samples up to 1L. Ascites fluid: spin columns can be used for purifications up to 6 mL

Unlike typical bind-and-elute affinity methods, Melon Gel Purification is based on the binding of non-IgG proteins from a prepared supernatant or ascites sample, thereby allowing the pure IgG to be recovered in the flow-through (non-bound) fraction. Antibodies are recovered ready for use in assays or subsequent conjugation and other modification steps. There is no need to neutralize or desalt to mitigate the effects of harsh elution buffers. Melon Gel Purification saves time compared to classical Protein A or Protein G methods without compromising the quality of the antibody.

Specialized protocols for culture supernatant and ascites fluid:
The instructions for the Melon Gel Monoclonal IgG Purification include separate protocols for cell culture supernatant samples and ascites fluid samples. For the latter protocol, Ascites Conditioning Reagent (Part No. 45219) is required.

Other IgG purification kits and package sizes of Melon Gel Resin are available. All sizes use the same formulation of Melon Gel Resin, Purification Buffer and Regenerant Solution but have slightly different protocols based on the most common application for each package size. Components of any package size can be used at an appropriate scale with any one of the procedures.

Related Products
Ascites Conditioning Reagent for Melon™ Gel Monoclonal IgG Purification Kit

Order Codes

Code Description
45214 Catalog Number: 45214
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