MultiShot™ TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli (Invitrogen™)

MultiShot TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli cells are derived from DH10B and are one of the most popular laboratory strains. Packaged in five 96-well microtiter plates (15 μL aliquots) to simplify high-throughput workflows and provide transformation efficiencies of >1 x 108 cfu/μg control plasmid DNA, Multishot TOP10 is a versatile strain that can be used in multiple routine cloning applications.

Benefits of MultiShot TOP10 competent cells
• TOP10 strain is ideal for high-efficiency cloning and plasmid propagation
• Microtiter plate format design is convenient for automated high-throughput cloning
mcrA mutation supports efficient transfection of methylated DNA
lacZΔM15 allele permits rapid blue/white screening of transfectants
endA1 mutation reduce endonuclease activity and improve plasmid DNA yields
recA1 mutation helps reduce unwanted recombination

Easy to use for high-throughput transformations
MultiShot TOP10 Chemically Competent cells in 96-well plates are designed to facilitate high-throughput transformation. This format allows all steps of the transformation protocol, up to plating, to take place in the same well, saving time and reducing the chance of contamination. After the addition of DNA, MultiShot TOP10 Chemically Competent cells can be transformed by heat-shock at 42°C using a heat block or thermocycler in the same plate.

Using our TA Cloning and TOPO Cloning protocols, including controls, yields of 100–400 colonies per agar plate can be expected. 

F-mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) Φ80lacZΔM15 ΔlacX74 recA1 araD139 Δ(ara, leu)7697 galU galK rpsL (StrR) endA1 nupG

Find the strain and format that fits your needs
DH strains are available in chemically competent and electrocompetent cell formats.
For high-throughput transformation options, choose from our collection of MultiShot formatted comp cells.
Email us for more information on custom formatting options.

Order Codes

Code Description
C40005 Catalog Number: C40005
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