Novex™ AP Mouse Chemiluminescent Detection Kit (Invitrogen™)

The Novex™ AP Mouse Chemiluminescent Detection Kit provides superior chemiluminescent detection of proteins transferred to either nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes and treated with a protein-specific primary antibody. Detection is performed by treatment of the membrane with an alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated anti-mouse secondary antibody followed by a ready-to-use chemiluminescent CDP-Star™ substrate of alkaline phosphatase. Protein-specific signal is then captured by a chemiluminescent-compatible imaging system or X-ray film.

The Novex™ AP Mouse Chemiluminescent Detection Kit is compatible with most western protocols but was designed for use with the iBind™ Western System.

Each kit includes a secondary AP-conjugated anti-mouse antibody, CDP-Star™ chemiluminescent substrate, and an enhancer, sufficient for 10 mini-membranes processed using the iBind™ Western System.

Features include:

• Easy-to-use protocol
• High specificity, clean background
• Ultra-sensitivity
• Long-lasting signals—up to 5 days
• Results in less 5 minutes

Order Codes

Code Description
SLF1021 Catalog Number: SLF1021
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