Pierce™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose provides a fast, convenient method for purification and immunoprecipitation (IP) of DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins from in vitro protein expression systems, bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells. The amino acid sequence DYKDDDDK, commonly known as 'FLAG', is recognized by a high-affinity rat monoclonal antibody (clone L5) that is covalently attached to a magnetite-embedded agarose core particle.

For protein purification, the magnetic agarose is added to a sample containing DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins with the tag on either the N- or the C-terminus. Captured proteins are then magnetically separated from the supernatant, and non-specifically bound proteins can be washed away before dissociating bound DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins with elution buffer. The magnetic agarose is removed from the solution using a magnetic stand or an instrument such as the KingFisher Flex Magnetic Particle Processor. Automated instruments are especially useful for higher throughput purifications and screening of purification conditions.

Features include:
Specific—unique base beads and highly specific antibody minimizes off-target binding (low non-specific binding)
High purity—optimized bind-wash-elute protocol enables high purity
High yield—special antibody conjugation method enables high yield
Rapid—entire purification protocol typically takes less than 40 mins
Economical—purification protocol allows multiple reuses
Versatile—beads are compatible with manual and automated workflows (e.g., KingFisher instruments)

Characteristics of Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose:

Composition: anti-DYKDDDDK antibody covalently attached to a magnetic, highly crosslinked agarose support
Magnetization: ferrimagnetic with low remanence
Bead size: 10–40 μm
Bead concentration: 25% slurry in phosphate buffered saline, 0.01% Tween-20 detergent, 0.02% sodium azide, pH 7.2
Binding capacity: ≥3.2 mg DYKDDDDK-tGFP-His protein (∼32 kDa)/mL settled beads

Order Codes

Code Description
A36797 Catalog Number: A36797
A36798 Catalog Number: A36798
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