Pierce™ Antibody Clean-up Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Pierce Antibody Clean-Up Kit is for removing BSA, gelatin and other stabilizer proteins from antibody stock solutions before amine-based chemical labeling and conjugation procedures.

Features of the Antibody Clean-Up Kit:

Fast—removes carrier protein from antibody solutions in half the time required for purifying antibodies through Protein A or G purification procedures
Gentle no need to neutralize or desalt to mitigate the effects of harsh elution buffers
Complete—supplied desalting columns provide for easy buffer exchange into the required purification buffer or quick exchange into final buffer of choice
Economical—sufficient reagents to perform 10 antibody clean-up reactions

This is a complete and easy-to-use kit for removing BSA and gelatin stabilizing proteins (up to 1%) from IgG samples. The protocol uses Thermo Scientific Melon Gel to bind these frequently used storage proteins, allowing the antibody to flow through in a purified form. The antibody is recovered in an amine-free and carboxyl-free buffer, ready for use in downstream applications such as biotinylation, fluorescent labeling, crosslinking, immobilization and enzymatic fragmentation (e.g., Fab preparation).

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and gelatin are often added to purified antibody solutions as stabilizers for long-term storage. Inclusion of 0.2 to 1% (2 to 10 mg/mL) BSA or gelatin helps stabilize dilute antibody solutions. Generally these added proteins do not interfere with immunodetection methods; however, their presence in solution does interfere with amine-reactive conjugation chemistries that are the basis for most biotinylation, fluorescent dye labeling, antibody fragmentation and covalent immobilization methods. For such methods, the antibody must be isolated from the stabilizing proteins, and the Antibody Clean-up Kit accomplishes this efficiently.

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Order Codes

Code Description
44600 Catalog Number: 44600
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