Pierce™ Biotinylated Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Pierce Biotinylated Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit contains the necessary components to capture and purify interactors of a biotin-labeled protein or ligand.

Features of the Biotinylated Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit:

• Provides a complete, affordable and easy-to-use strategy for discoverying protein:protein interactions
• Uses common laboratory equipment and reagents (e.g., microcentrifuges, mini-gels, protein stains)
• Adaptable to single- or multiple-sample demands
• Flexible pull-down format uses spin cups for easy and efficient manipulation of streptavidin agarose beads

You provide the biotinylated protein as the 'bait' (see

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Order Codes

Code Description
21115 Catalog Number: 21115
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