Pierce™ Detergent Compatible Bradford Assay Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Pierce Detergent Compatible Bradford Assay Kit is a quick and ready-to-use modification of the well-known Bradford Coomassie dye-binding, colorimetric method for total protein quantitation. Unique additives to the Bradford Reagent make it compatible with up to 1% or higher of detergents and lysis reagents that are commonly used in life science research, including Triton X-100 and NP-40.

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Flexible—compatible with samples both with and without detergent
Sample volume—requires only 10 μL for microplate procedure
Colorimetric—measure with a standard spectrophotometer or plate reader at 595 nm
Ready-to-use—single reagent; no working reagent preparation required
Assay time—10-min incubation at room temperature
Assay range—detects protein concentration in the range of 2 to 1500 μg/mL

Similar to the Bradford method, Coomassie dye binds protein in an acidic medium causing an immediate shift in absorption maximum from 465 nm to 595 nm with a concomitant color change from green to blue. In addition, the assay is complete in just 10 minutes.

The protein assay can be performed in either test tube or microplate format. The standard working range is 100–1500 μg/mL with up to 1% detergent (or higher in some cases). Protein concentrations are estimated by reference to absorbances obtained for a series of standard protein dilutions, typically bovine serum albumin (BSA), which are assayed alongside the unknown samples. Because the color response with Coomassie dye is non-linear with increasing protein concentration, a standard curve must be completed with each assay. Standards can be used directly without preparing them in the same detergent found in the test samples.

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Order Codes

Code Description
23246 Catalog Number: 23246
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