Pierce™ Firefly Luciferase Glow Assay Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Pierce Firefly Luciferase Glow Assay Kit provides a bright and stable bioluminescence signal (half-life greater than 2 hours) in the presence of firefly luciferase reporters for protein expression assays.

Features of the Firefly Luciferase Glow Assay Kit:

Sensitive—highly sensitive detection of firefly luciferase activity; for best results (maximum signal) use with Pierce Firefly Luciferase Signal Enhancer
Stable—increased signal stability compared to flash assays
Simple—does not require a luminometer with injectors
Compatible—assay reagents compatible with other firefly beetle luciferases
Automation-friendly—amenable to high throughput assays
Convenient—contains a universal cell lysis buffer and optimized glow assay reagent
Safe—allows one to perform non-radioactive assays

This Pierce Luciferase Glow Assay Kit contains reagents for measuring the activity of firefly luciferase in cell lysates. In the presence of firefly luciferase, the glow reagent provides stable bioluminescent signal and is highly suited for luminometers without injectors or for batch processing of samples. The light output generated by the luciferase reaction can be correlated with the amount of luciferase protein produced which in turn is proportional to the promoter activity driving the luciferase expression. The glow assay reagents were optimized for best results with Thermo Scientific Firefly Luc Plasmids; however, this assay kit may be used to detect the activity of other firefly or ATP-dependent luciferases that use D-luciferin as a substrate.

Cell lysis buffer, reaction buffer and substrate; purchase Luciferase Signal Enhancer separately.

• Firefly luciferase and luminometer or other instrument capable of monitoring luminescence, such as Thermo Scientific Luminoskan Ascent and Varioskan Flash Microplate Readers.
• For best results (maximum signal), use with Pierce Firefly Luciferase Signal Enhancer

• Promoter studies for analyzing cis- regulatory elements and trans-acting factors
• Drug screening
• siRNA and miRNA screening
• Multiplexed assays to study off-target effects
• Protein localization reporter assays
• Signal transduction pathway analysis
• RNA splicing studies

Firefly luciferase is a 60kDa protein produced in nature by several species of the Lampyridae family of beetles which includes the genera Photinus and Luciola. Bioluminescent signal from firefly luciferase originates from the oxidation of D-luciferin. Light output generated by the luciferase reaction is captured using a luminometer and can be correlated with the amount of firefly luciferase protein produced and used to determine the activity of the promoter driving firefly expression. The native firefly luciferase produces a strong flash signal that decays rapidly. The signal produced using the Pierce Firefly Glow Assay Kit is more stable and decays very slowly, thereby eliminating the need for a luminometer with injectors.

Order Codes

Code Description
16177 Catalog Number: 16177
16176 Catalog Number: 16176
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