Pierce™ HeLa Protein Digest Standard (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Pierce HeLa Protein Digest Standard is a highly validated mammalian protein digest that may be used as a quality control sample for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of complex proteomic samples.

Features of HeLa Protein Digest Standard:

Positive control sample—complex mammalian proteome sample protein digest (>15,000 proteins) from the HeLa S3 cell line
Thorough tryptic digestion—prepared using both LysC and trypsin to ensure less than 10% tryptic missed cleavages
Validated peptide quality—less than 10% methionine oxidation and less than 10% lysine carbamylation
Rigorously tested—high-quality, consistent protein digest guaranteed and documented via lot-specific certificates of analysis
Stable—provided in a stable lyophilized format

The protein digest standard is derived from a well-established adenocarcinoma reference HeLa S3 cell line. HeLa S3 cells express over 15,000 proteins with relevant post-translational modifications, making this cell line an ideal standard for complex proteome mass spectrometry applications. The cell lysate has been digested with both LysC and trypsin to minimize tryptic missed cleavages and improve protein sequence coverage. Moreover, unlike other commercially available protein digests for MS, the Pierce HeLa Protein Digest Standard meets stringent quality testing specifications, including peptide quality, digestion efficiency, and lot-to-lot digest uniformity.

• Qualitative LC assessment
• LC/MS standardization
• LC/MS method development
• TMT™ Reagent method development

The Pierce HeLa Protein Digest Standard is a lyophilized tryptic peptide mixture that can be used as a quality control standard for liquid chromatography (LC) separation, MS method development and MS performance benchmarking. The digest is specifically formulated for LC/MS experiments and does not contain salts or detergents. Using the digest standard routinely before analysis of complex samples makes it possible to monitor and normalize LC/MS performance between samples and over time.

Order Codes

Code Description
88329 Catalog Number: 88329
88328 Catalog Number: 88328
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