Pierce™ High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose is a beaded resin of immobilized recombinant streptavidin protein that binds biotinylated proteins at greater than 10 mg/mL of beads.

Features of High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose:

Streptavidin—purified recombinant streptavidin protein (53kDa, near-neutral pI); tetrameric with four biotin-binding site per molecule
Agarose resin—support is crosslinked 6% beaded agarose (CL-6B), the most popular resin for protein affinity purification methods
Inert and stable—streptavidin is immobilized by charge-free, leach-resistant covalent bonds, resulting in low nonspecific binding and enabling multiple uses without decline in yield
High capacity—this variety of beads has a dense load of immobilized streptavidin, providing a binding capacity greater than 10 mg of biotinylated BSA per mL of resin
Two formats—available in several bottle sizes of resin slurry and as packed 1 mL and 5 mL chromatography cartridges

• Purification of membrane antigens in conjunction with biotinylated monoclonal antibodies
• Isolation of cell-surface proteins that have been labeled with a cleavable biotinylation reagent
• Isolation of cell-surface glycoproteins using biotinylated Concanavalin A
• Recovery of single-stranded biotinylated DNA for dideoxy sequencing
• Streptavidin-coated plates used for direct solid-phase sequencing
In vitro mutagenesis with streptavidin-coated plates
• DNA fingerprinting with streptavidin-coated plates

Properties of crosslinked 6% beaded agarose (CL-6B):
• Support pH Stability: 2 to 14 (short term); 3 to 13 (long term)
• Average Particle Size: 45 to 165 microns
• Exclusion Limit: 10,000 to 4,000,000 daltons
• Maximum Volumetric Flow Rate: approx. 1 mL/minute (for 1 cm diameter column)
• Maximum Linear Velocity: 30 cm per hour
• Maximum Pressure: less than 25psi (1.5 bar)

Pierce High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose consists of purified recombinant streptavidin that has been covalently immobilized at a high density onto high-quality crosslinked 6% beaded agarose. Streptavidin is a tetrameric biotin-binding protein. The agarose beads have physical and chemical properties that enable them to be used in a variety of batch- or column-type affinity procedures. Biotinylated antibodies, proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and other molecules or interaction complexes can be captured, immunoprecipitated, removed or purified from samples using this streptavidin resin.

Streptavidin is a tetrameric protein containing four biotin-binding sites similar to avidin. The native protein from Streptomyces avidinii is carbohydrate-free, has an acidic pI of 5.5 and a mass of 75 kDa. The recombinant protein used to manufacture Thermo Scientific Pierce Streptavidin Resins has a near-neutral isoelectric point and a mass of 53kDa. Streptavidin generally has less nonspecific binding than avidin (from chicken egg white) because of the absence of carbohydrates.

High-Capacity Streptavidin Agarose beads have a dense load of immobilized streptavidin, providing a binding capacity greater than 10 mg of biotinylated BSA per mL of resin. This corresponds to 2 to 3 times higher biotin-binding capacity than products from other suppliers, allowing use of small amounts of resin for experiments.

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Order Codes

Code Description
20361 Catalog Number: 20361
20357 Catalog Number: 20357
20359 Catalog Number: 20359
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