Pierce™ His Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Fisher Scientific Pierce His Tag Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit contains the necessary components to capture and purify proteins that interact with His-tagged fusion proteins.

Features of His Tag Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit:

6xHis pull-down (Product No. 21277)—purifies protein interactors of any His-tagged fusion protein
Complete kits—provide all components and detailed protocol for purifying protein:protein interactions
No special equipment needed—use common laboratory equipment and reagents (e.g., microcentrifuge)
Convenient—microcentrifuge spin columns facilitate simple and efficient manipulation of agarose beads, including simple processing of multiple samples
Flexible—instructions include protocols for use with bait and prey proteins expressed from a variety of sample types
Less non-specific binding—Cobalt chelate resin is more specific for histidine-tagged fusion proteins than nickel resins, resulting in less non-specific binding
Binding—Binds 10 to 25 mg of histidine-tagged fusion protein per mL of resin


• Discover a new protein:protein interaction from a cell lysate
• Confirm a putative interaction from a cell lysate or with a previously purified protein
• Extract protein:protein interaction information from in vitro transcription/translation lysates

You provide the tagged fusion protein as the 'bait' and the cells expressing the putative protein interaction target ('prey'), and the Pull-Down Kits provide everything else: cell lysis buffer, microcentrifuge spin columns, tag-specific affinity resin (agarose beads) and optimized buffers and protocol. The Pull-Down Kits are designed to teach the method to first-time users and to increase ease-of-use, convenience and reproducibility for experienced researchers.

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Order Codes

Code Description
21277 Catalog Number: 21277
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