Pierce™ Jacalin Agarose (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Jacalin Agarose provides for specific affinity purification of human IgA from serum or colostrum or efficient removal of contaminating IgA from IgG samples.

Features of Pierce Jacalin Agarose:

Immobilized jacalin—specifically binds human IgA1 (does not bind IgG and does not bind human IgA2 or IgA from other species)
Binding capacity—resin is loaded with approx. 4.5 mg Jacalin/mL resin and effectively binds 1 to 3 mg human IgA1/mL resin
Agarose resin—support is 6% crosslinked beaded agarose, the most popular and versatile resin for protein affinity purification methods

Jacalin is an alpha-D-galactose binding lectin extracted from jack-fruit seeds (Artocarpus integrifolia). This lectin is a glycoprotein (approx. 40kDa) composed of four identical subunits. Jacalin binds to human IgA1 (also called serum or secretory IgA) with high specificity (i.e., it does not bind IgG or IgM). Thus, Jacalin that has been immobilized on crosslinked beaded agarose is useful for purifying human IgA from serum or colostrum samples.

Binding of IgA toimmobilized jacalin occurs at physiologic pH and ionic strength, as inphosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Elution of bound IgA occurs withcompetitor ligand (e.g., 0.1M melibiose or 0.1 M alpha-D-galactose) inPBS. IgD is reported to bind to jacalin (Aucouturier, et al., 1987).

Order Codes

Code Description
20395 Catalog Number: 20395
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