Pierce™ Mannan Binding Protein Agarose (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce MBP Agarose is purified mannan binding protein (also called mannose-binding lectin, MBL) that has been immobilized on 4% beaded agarose. When used with an optimized buffer system based on temperature- and calcium-dependent binding, this resin enables specific affinity purification of mouse IgM from ascites fluid and other concentrated samples. The resin and essential buffers are available individually or bundled together in a complete IgM Purification Kit containing a pre-packed 5 mL column of the MBP Agarose.

Mannan binding protein (MBP), also known as mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a mammalian lectin that is produced in the liver and occurs in serum. MBP consists of 18 identical subunits, each with a molecular mass of approximately 31kDa. The protein is capable of initiating carbohydrate-mediated complement activation.

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Order Codes

Code Description
22212 Catalog Number: 22212
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