Pierce™ MS-Compatible Magnetic IP Kits (Thermo Scientific™)

Immunoprecipitation is often necessary for the detection and quantitation of low-abundance proteins or rare signaling events. Mass spectrometry analysis relies on two methods for the detection of low-abundance proteins: single reaction monitoring (SRM) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM), which enable isolation, scheduling, and quantitation of selected proteotypic peptides. These IP kits have been optimized for efficient immunoprecipitation and co-immunoprecipitation of target proteins, and are directly compatible with downstream MS sample preparation and analysis.

Key Features

MS-compatible—reagents directly compatible with in-solution peptide digestion
Sensitive—procedure successfully enriches low-abundance proteins (low ng range)
Low background—enriched samples contain minimal detergent residuals
Reduced antibody contamination—antibody biotinylation with streptavidin enrichment reduces contamination in the eluate when compared to other IP methods
Robust—procedure and reagents have been verified with numerous targets to ensure consistent enrichment of low-abundance proteins (ng range) with at least two peptides identified per protein

The Thermo Scientific Pierce MS-Compatible Magnetic IP Kit (Protein A/G) uses high-quality Pierce Protein A/G Magnetic Beads to provide wider flexibility of antibody capture than either Protein A or G alone. The Thermo Scientific Pierce MS-Compatible Magnetic IP Kit (Streptavidin) uses high-quality Pierce Streptavidin Magnetic Beads for use with biotinylated antibodies that may be purchased commercially or labeled using the Pierce Antibody Biotinylation Kit for IP. After the immunoprecipitation procedure, the target-enriched elution fraction is ready for in-solution tryptic digestion for LC-MS analysis without the need for gel purification, detergent removal, or desalting. Additionally, the reagents and procedures have been validated using both manual and automated magnetic separation.

• Enrichment of low-abundance targets to improve MS sensitivity
• Identification of target proteins that are not detectable by western blotting
• Quantitation of target proteins by LC-MS analysis
• Screening of antibodies for IP-MS

Order Codes

Code Description
90409 Catalog Number: 90409
Unit Size: 40 reactions
Description: Protein A/G Magnetic Beads
90408 Catalog Number: 90408
Unit Size: 40 reactions
Description: Streptavidin Magnetic Beads
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