Pierce™ Peptide Desalting Spin Columns (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Peptide Desalting Spin Columns are ready-to-use centrifuge spin columns that enable efficient desalting of peptide samples following enzymatic digestion. The polymer-based hydrophobic resin contained in each column provides excellent binding and recovery characteristics for peptide samples in preparation for mass spectrometry and other methods. Each spin column can bind from 5 μg to 5 mg of native and TMT-labeled peptides. The spin column format allows processing of multiple samples (10–300 μL each) in parallel in approximately 30 minutes.

Key Features

Mass spectrometry is essential for studying biological compounds. However, many of the buffers and reagents used for sample preparation interfere with mass spectrometry analysis, leading to poor-quality spectra and reduced sensitivity. Pierce Peptide Desalting Spin Columns are designed to remove many of the interfering hydrophilic sample contaminants with minimal sample loss, thus enabling sensitive and comprehensive analysis of digested protein samples by mass spectrometry.

Remove MS-interfering contaminants—significantly reduces signal suppression and improves sensitivity in mass spectrometry
High binding capacity—hydrophobic polymer-based resin allows for recovery of peptide loads of native and TMT-labeled peptides from 5 μg to 5 mg
Easy to use—resin is provided in single-use spin column format that fits common 2-mL tubes
Compatible—resin is validated with a variety of complex samples, including TMT-labeled peptides, and is stable under extreme pH conditions

Order Codes

Code Description
89852 Catalog Number: 89852
Unit Size: 25 columns
Product Type: Spin Desalting Column
89851 Catalog Number: 89851
Unit Size: 50 columns
Product Type: Spin Desalting Column
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