Pierce™ Protein Precipitation Plates (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Precipitation Plates provide an easy, 96-well format for simple, rapid and automatable protein precipitation and filtration (purification) from plasma, serum and other biological fluid samples.

Key Features

Pierce™ Protein Precipitation Plates are designed specifically for solvent-based precipitation of proteins and their subsequent removal from fluid samples. The plates are leak-free and retain organic solvent without dripping, even while mixing. The 2 mL well volume allows processing sample volumes of 15 to 400 μL per well, using the recommended precipitation conditions of 3:1 (v/v) solvent-to-serum ratio. The Protein Precipitation Plates are the ideal choice for downstream processing of plasma protein binding assay samples prepared with rapid equilibrium dialysis (RED) systems that are important for the pharmaceutical industry to perform plasma protein-binding assays, which comprise a critical step in drug development. Pierce Protein Precipitation Plates use a special graded filter system that retains precipitated protein particles without clogging, yet freely allows soluble (nonprecipitated) proteins to elute through the 0.2 μM cut-off membrane. This design maximizes protein removal and ensures the highest possible level of sample recovery.

Features of Protein Precipitation Plates:
• Prepare small molecule samples for HPLC or LC-MS in 10–30 minutes
• Compatible with most organic solvents
• No acetonitrile leakage for up to four hours
• Leach-free graded hydrophobic frit prevents blockage
• Filtrates are easily collected by vacuum, positive pressure or centrifugation
• Assay serum samples of 15 to 400 μL per well (2 mL well volume)

Order Codes

Code Description
90036 Catalog Number: 90036
Unit Size: 2 plates
Description: Pierce™ Protein Precipitation Plates, 2 Plates
90037 Catalog Number: 90037
Unit Size: 10 plates
Description: Pierce™ Protein Precipitation Plates, 10 Plates
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