Poly HRP Dilution Buffer (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Poly-HRP Dilution Buffer is optimized to ensure optimal performance with Poly-HRP Streptavidin.

Features of Poly-HRP Dilution Buffer:

Formulation: 1% biotin-free casein in a PBS buffer solution.
Application: Dilution of Poly-HRP Streptavidin (Product # N200): Gently invert bottle and swirl to mix before use. Do not vortex. Use at full strength. Refer to Poly-HRP Streptavidin Certificate of Analysis for recommended dilution ranges. Dilute Poly-HRP Streptavidin immediately before use.

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Poly-HRP Streptavidin

Order Codes

Code Description
N501 Catalog Number: N501
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