POROS™ CaptureSelect™ AAV8 Affinity Resin (Thermo Scientific™)

POROS™ CaptureSelect™ AAV8 high performance affinity resin is engineered to address the high selectivity and capacity requirements needed for the purification of viral vectors used for gene therapy applications and is specifically intended for the purification of adeno-associated virus type 8 (AAV8).

Features of POROS CaptureSelect AAV8 resin include:
• One-step AAV8 purification from crude material with high purity and yield
• High specificity and capacity, which helps reduce the process volume significantly for subsequent steps and maximizes yield
• Low operating back pressure and linear pressure versus flow responses driving flexible scalability
• Superior capacity maintained at high flow rates
• Rigid polymeric bead with covalent surface chemistry for easier handling and packing, with superior physical and chemical stability enabling a more robust downstream purification process
• Non-animal derived—the ligand is a 13-kDa single-domain fragment that comprises the 3 CDRs that form the antigen-binding domain and is efficiently produced by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a production process free of animal components.

POROS CaptureSelect AAV8 affinity resin specifically binds AAV8 and enables a robust, fast, and efficient purification process with excellent purity and yield obtained in one step. The use of this affinity resin will enable significant improvement to downstream processing by reducing the purification steps and maximizing productivity, for scalability and processing consistency.

Main characteristics:

Matrix: cross-linked poly(styrene-divinylbenzene)
Average particle size: 50 μm
Ligand: CaptureSelect AAV8 affinity ligand
Ligand coupling method: carbonyldiimidazole (CDI)
Binding capacity: >1x1013 genome copies/mL of resin
Elution conditions: acidic elution with 0.1 M glycine, pH 3.0
Mechanical resistance: 100 bar (1,450 psi; 10 MPa)
Formulation buffer: 18% (v/v) ethanol

Order Codes

Code Description
A30793 Catalog Number: A30793
A30789 Catalog Number: A30789
A30790 Catalog Number: A30790
A30791 Catalog Number: A30791
A30792 Catalog Number: A30792
A30794 Catalog Number: A30794
A30795 Catalog Number: A30795
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