POROS™ MabCapture™ A RoboColumn (Thermo Scientific™)

RoboColumn™ chromatography products are small columns provided in 8-column strips. They are useful for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations using robotic liquid handling platforms. These particular RoboColumns contain POROS™ MabCapture™ A affinity resin, which is suitable for monoclonal antibody large-scale downstream bioprocessing.

POROS MabCapture A is a 50-micron affinity resin that combines improvements made in bead and chemistry technology. These advances provide a monoclonal antibody purification resin that not only demonstrates the highest dynamic binding performance at low flow rates, but also one that can maintain superior binding capacity at high linear velocities where other chromatography resins products cannot operate.

Features of the resin:
• Obtain the highest dynamic binding capacity for monoclonal antibodies vs. conventional agarose or silica based Protein A medias
• Maintain high dynamic binding capacity at flow rates over 700 cm/hr
• Design processes with greater flexibility (shorter bed heights, faster flow rates or both) due to the improvements made to the antibody binding efficiency
• Clean and sanitize with standard sodium hydroxide agents utilized for other chromatography products

RoboColumn is a registered trademark of ATOLL GmbH.

Order Codes

Code Description
A30726 Catalog Number: A30726
A30725 Catalog Number: A30725
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