pTK-Red Firefly Luc Vector for Luciferase Assays (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific pTK-Red Firefly Luc is a constitutive expression vector having the luciferase gene under the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) thymidine kinase (TK) promoter for co-transfection and normalization control to account for experimental variation in combination with other reporters in a gene regulation study using the intracellular red firefly luciferase reporter with excellent light intensity..

Features of Red Firefly Luc:
• Red Firefly Luc Vectors contains a mutant form of the firefly luciferase gene that has a red-shifted emission spectrum.
• pMCS vector contains a multiple cloning site for cloning a promoter to study its regulatory potential.
• pCMV and pTK vectors have the luciferase gene under the CMV (Cytomegalovirus) promoter and HSV-TK promoter, respectively.
• These pCMV and pTK constitutive expression vectors can be used as normalization controls to account for experimental variation in combination with other reporters.

These vectors are subject to a limited use label license.

More Product Data
Highly sensitive multiplex luciferase reporter assays
Monitoring neuronal differentiation using multiplexed luciferase reporters
Activation of the antioxidant response pathway by pesticide chemicals

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Order Codes

Code Description
16157 Catalog Number: 16157
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