Qdot™ 800 ITK™ Streptavidin Conjugate Kit (Invitrogen™)

The Qdot™ 800 ITK™ Streptavidin Conjugate Kit provides the Qdot™ streptavidin conjugate as 250 μL of a 2 μM solution. Unlike the Qdot™ streptavidin conjugates, the Qdot™ ITK™ streptavidin conjugates have the streptavidin covalently attached to the inner amphiphilic coating without a PEG linker. These Qdo™ conjugates can be used for binding biotinylated probes. The kit also includes 30 mL of Qdot™ incubation buffer.

Order Codes

Code Description
Q10071MP Catalog Number: Q10071MP
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