Rat BSEP Vesicles (Gibco™)

Rat BSEP Vesicles are insect-derived purified plasma membranes with inserted BSEP transport protein (bile salt export pump, ABCB11). Our Rat BSEP Vesicles can be used to evaluate test compounds and drug interactions with BSEP in in vitro assays. BSEP is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that plays a key role in bile acid excretion from the liver.

Use Rat BSEP Vesicles to:

• Investigate the transporter interactions of your drug candidates
• Assess potential for transporter-mediated drug-drug interactions
• Obtain high quality results with a large signal to noise ratios

Concept Behind ABC Transporter Vesicles
ABC transporter vesicles are easy-to-use, efficient reagents for early assessment of a drug candidate’s substrate and drug interaction potential. While ABC transporters typically mediate the export of substrates out of cells, transporters expressed on these inside-out vesicles import substrates into the vesicles. It is therefore possible to quantitatively evaluate transport activity for your compound by determining the amount incorporated into the vesicles.

Clear and Reliable Results
Prepared from Sf9 cells which have been engineered to over-express specific ABC transporters, these 'inside-out' vesicles provide high levels of transporter activity with low background, giving you a clear signal if your compound is a substrate or inhibitor of a specific efflux transporter.

Transporter Vesicle Details
Rat BSEP Vesicles are part of a larger group of transporter vesicles known as ABC transporter vesicles. They are prepared from purified plasma membranes isolated from an insect cell system (Sf9 cells transfected with baculovirus) expressing BSEP. Evaluation of the inhibitory activity of newly developed compounds towards BSEP-mediated transport of bile acids (e.g. taurocholate) may give an indication of potential hepatotoxicity of the compounds.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Order Codes

Code Description
GM0006 Catalog Number: GM0006
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