Tali™ Viability Kit - Dead Cell Red (Invitrogen™)

The Tali™ Viability Kit - Dead Cell Red is a ready-to-use solution of propidium iodide (PI) that has been validated for use with the Tali™ Image-Based Cytometer. PI is a live cell-impermeant fluorogenic DNA-binding dye that has been extensively used to identify necrotic cells.

Key Features of Tali™ Viability Kit - Dead Cell Red:

• Impermeant to live cells
• Easily enters and binds to nucleic acids in necrotic cells

After staining a cell population using Dead Cell Red™, dead cells display red fluorescence upon excitation. Tali™ Viability Kit - Dead Cell Red can be used to identify dead cells in a population of unstained cells, or in a population of GFP-expressing cells.

Order Codes

Code Description
A10786 Catalog Number: A10786
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