Lotus Tetragonolobus (Asparagus Pea) Lectin (LTL), fluorescein (FITC) (Invitrogen™)

Lotus Tetragonolobus Lectin (LTL), fluorescein (FITC), is a bright-green LTL-fluorophor conjugate. LTL is isolated from Tetragonolobus purpureus, also known as Lotus tetragonolobus, within the common names asparagus pea or winged pea. Combined with other lectins, it has been used for the detection of certain diseased tissue in kidney and the detection of colon cancer. LTL has also been used in studies of the inhibition of macrophage migration and in comparison to macrophage inhibition factor (MIF).

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• Very bright FITC conjugate detected with traditional FITC/GFP filter set, Ex/Em: 495/515 nm
• Applications: immunofluorescence, glycobiology
• Sugar specificity: fucose, arabinose
• Inhibiting/eluting sugar: 50–100 mM L-fucose
• Blood group specificity: non-specific, O<A2
• Unconjugated lectin molecular weight: 107 KDa
• Immunofluorescence working concentration: 5–20 μg/mL

LTL-FITC is provided at a 2 mg/mL concentration in 10 mM HEPES, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.5, 0.08% sodium azide. 0.1 mM Ca2+.

A precipitate may form during storage. This does not have a significant adverse effect on the product. If a precipitate forms upon long-term storage at 4°C, warm to 37°C and centrifuge before use.

Order Codes

Code Description
L32480 Catalog Number: L32480
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