Universal Rat Reference RNA (Invitrogen™)

Universal Rat Reference RNA is an RNA extract used as a positive control in QuantiGene assays. The Universal Rat Reference RNA is composed of total RNA from 14 rat cell lines:
• Blood, basophilic leukemia
• Blood, T-lymphocyte, lymphoma
• Blood, B-lymphoblast, hybridoma
• Brain, glioma
• Embryo, yolk sac carcinoma
• Embryo, fibroblast, normal
• Kidney, normal
• Liver, hepatoma
• Lung, alveolar macrophage, normal
• Lung, alveolar type II, normal
• Mammary gland, adenocarcinoma
• Muscle, myoblast
• Skin, normal
• Testis, Leydig cell tumor

Equal quantities of DNase-treated total RNA from each cell line were pooled to make the universal control.

Order Codes

Code Description
QS0641 Catalog Number: QS0641
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