Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, nitrocellulose, mini (Invitrogen™)

The Invitrogen Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins using the Power Blotter System. They are disposable, pre-assembled stacks that come with an integrated nitrocellulose transfer membrane for the dry blotting of proteins from polyacrylamide gels. Each Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack contains filter paper, membrane, and the appropriate cathode and anode buffers incorporated into a solid gel matrix to allow fast, reliable transfer of proteins.

Features of the Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks:
Rapid transfer—the ready-to-use transfer stack takes little setup time with protein transfer taking place in as little as seven minutes
Efficient and even transfer—stacks are made with high-quality membranes that provide high binding efficiency, uniform transfer, and high detection sensitivity
Increased reproducibility—preassembled stacks provide consistent performance

Learn more about the use of the Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks in Power Blotter System

Nitrocellulose membrane
The nitrocellulose membrane (0.2 μm pore size) in the stacks is composed of 100% pure nitrocellulose to provide high-quality transfer. The membrane is compatible with commonly used detection methods such as staining, chemiluminescence, and fluorescence. The proteins bind to the membrane through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The protein binding capacity is 209 μg/cm2.

Mini transfer stacks
The mini-size (8 cm x 8 cm) Power Blotter Select Stacks can be used with all Invitrogen Novex, Bolt, and NuPAGE mini-size gels or equivalent.

Related products
Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, nitrocellulose, regular size
Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, mini
Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, regular size

Order Codes

Code Description
PB3210 Catalog Number: PB3210
PB3240 Catalog Number: PB3240
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