SureLock™ Tandem Midi Blot Module (Invitrogen™)

The Invitrogen SureLock Tandem Midi Blot Module is a wet transfer device used exclusively with the SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank. The tank accommodates one blot module per chamber, or two blot modules total. The SureLock Tandem Midi Blot Module is compatible with all Invitrogen midi gels (blot size: 8.5 cm x 14 cm). The blot module accommodates one midi gel per wet transfer. The unique design make the module easy to use, while the efficient size of the inner core uses less transfer buffer per transfer (only ∼300 mL per transfer). Since transfer buffer contains methanol, this also results in less hazardous waste requiring special disposal. At the recommended conditions and constant voltage, proteins can be transferred to nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes in 30 minutes and at room temperature.

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Integrative design—used with the SureLock Tandem Midi Gel Tank, eliminates the need for a separate transfer tank
Efficient size—transfer buffer needed is about one-third of traditional wet-transfer systems reducing methanol/transfer buffer waste and cost
Quick set-up (time & materials)
Compatible—efficiently transfers all Invitrogen pre-cast midi gels
Smart design—anode and cathode halves are hinged and connected by a slider. The design enables all parts to be permanently connected eliminating the need for multiple accessories.
Low voltage transfer (25 volts)—highly conductive anode plate separated by only 0.5 inches from the cathode plate enables efficient transfer at 25 volts within 30 minutes
Room temperature transfer—eliminates the need to pre-chill buffers overnight and the hassle and messiness of ice baths used with traditional wet-transfer systems that require 100 volts for transfer and generate excessive heat
Fast and efficient—30 minute transfer without compromising performance
Simple clean up—empty, rinse, and dry (no spills or ice disposal)
Optional SureLock Tandem Transfer Tray—can be used to set up wet transfer of midi gels using SureLock Tandem Blot Module

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Order Codes

Code Description
STM2001 Catalog Number: STM2001
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