WesternBreeze™ Chemiluminescent Kit, anti-goat (Invitrogen™)

WesternBreeze® Chemiluminescent Kits detect proteins that have been immobilized on membranes (nitrocellulose or PVDF) following western transfer or bound directly from solution (dot blots). Detection is accomplished with a ready-to-use CDP-Star® chemiluminescent substrate for alkaline phosphatase. Protein bands can be captured either by X-ray film or CDP-Star® compatible imaging system. WesternBreeze® Chemiluminescent Kit offers:

• High specificity, clean background
• Ultra-sensitivity-femtogram levels detectable
• Long-lasting signals-up to 5 days
• Results in less than 3 hours
• Permanent photographic image

Order Codes

Code Description
WB7108 Catalog Number: WB7108
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